Cookies information

What are cookies and why do we use them?

In compliance with the provisions of Article 22.2 of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (known by its Spanish initials, LSSI) and in accordance with the EU Cookie Directive (2009/136/CE), TOR GLOBAL TRAVEL (CICMA nº 3750) (TGT) is hereby informing you that this Website permits the use of cookies. Cookies are small data files that websites like TGT send to your browser, allowing us to "remember" information concerning your last visit, your preferences and your browsing habits. This helps us facilitate browsing and increase the user-friendliness of our site, i.e. they help us improve your experience when exploring TGT

To give you a few examples, cookies "remind" us of such basic and useful information as your user name and password so you can log on to the site automatically without having to re-enter them, your default browser language and the most popular destinations for tourists with search criteria similar to yours, as well as such important information as that which enables us to display advertisements in accordance with your browsing habits so they will correspond as closely as possible to your interests.

You can rest assured that the cookies used on this Website are only associated with an anonymous user and that user's computer, without providing any of the user's personal information.

Many of the cookies we use are exempt from obligatory disclosure, as the AEPD (Spanish Data Protection Agency) considers them to be ""essential"" (for example, the user login cookies that enable you to avoid filling out online forms in every website you visit). However, in the case of other types, it is important for you to be well-informed, which is why you should read this information. Nevertheless, we are fully committed to our clients: if you have any questions or concerns after reading this information, please do not hesitate to write to us and we will respond as quickly as possible. You can contact us by mail at Glorieta de Quevedo, 9, 28015 Madrid, or by email at [email protected]

If you still have questions concerning cookies, you can also access the following link to the Inteactive Advertising Bureau:

What types of cookies might you find on TGT?

First, we need to inform you about the various types of cookies. You should bear in mind that on TGT, you may find both our own cookies, set by us, and third-party cookies, set by our partners, providers and collaborators, which enable you, for example, to interact with any advertising you may find on our Website. There are also session cookies and tracking cookies. The former compile and store data while you are on the website (for example, your shopping cart), and the latter enable data to be stored and remain accessible for a longer period of time.

According to the purpose for which they collect data, on TGT, you may find the following types of cookies:

  1. Essential or authentication cookies: Without these, we would not be able to work together, and you would not be able to access all of the features of our Website. They enable you to navigate the Website and use the various features and services it contains, for example, controlling data traffic and communication, identifying the session, entering areas with restricted access, remembering the products and services contained in an order, completing the purchasing process, applying to register for or participate in in an event, using security features during browsing and storing audio or video broadcast content. Without cookies, we would have no way of knowing what services you have already selected when choosing others (they improve your experience on our Website, for example, by helping us remember that you have already chosen a flight while you're looking for hotels so that you do not have to pay for each service separately).

  2. Analytics cookies: These cookies, which may be managed by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus perform statistical measurements and analysis of your use of the offered services: they enable us to understand how you interact with our Website and determine which content and advertising campaigns appeal to you the most. In short, they guide us in providing content that truly interests you and in making that content as accessible to you as possible. To do this, we analyse your navigation of our Webpage with the goal of improving the selection of products and services we offer you.

  3. Advertising cookies: These cookies, which may be managed by us or by third parties, allow us to manage the advertisements in TGT as effectively as possible, adapting the advertising content to the services you request or to your usage of our Webpage. To do this, we may analyse your web browsing habits and show you advertisements related to your navigation profile.

  4. Social network cookies: These are a type of authentication cookie that enables you to share our content through the social networks you belong to. They are managed directly by the selected social network, and without them, it would be impossible to share the information we show you with your friends and acquaintances.

  5. Behavioural advertising cookies: These cookies enable storing information on users' activity throughout a single browsing session, presenting advertisements that are directly related to their interests or to the searches they have previously performed on other websites.

Nazwa pliku cookie Kto posługuje się plikiem cookie? Opis pliku cookie Wygaśnięcie Rodzaj pliku cookie
basic_html TGT Ciasteczko potrzebne dla właściwego działania strony internetowej. Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
info_localizacion TGT Preferencje użytkownika (język, waluta itp) 15 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
olt_pref TGT Preferencje użytkownika (język, waluta itp) 45 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
iphone_native TGT Identyfikuje urządzenie nawigacyjne iphone Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
brand TGT Ciasteczko potrzebne dla właściwego działania strony internetowej. Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
mobile_version TGT Pozwala na identyfikację urządzeń mobilnych Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
PHPSESSID TGT Ciasteczko potrzebne dla właściwego działania strony internetowej. Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
ref TGT Identyfikuje stronę, z której użytkownik wchodzi do sieci. 15 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
remite TGT Pozwala określić, czy użytkownik wszedł na stronę bezpośrednio czy za pośrednictwem strony zewnętrznej. 45 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
remite_travel TGT Pozwala określić, czy użytkownik wszedł na stronę bezpośrednio czy za pośrednictwem strony zewnętrznej. Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
where TGT Ciasteczko potrzebne dla właściwego działania strony internetowej. Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
cookie_information TGT Onotowuje czy użytkownikowi wyświetlone zostało ostrzeżenie o polityce plików cookies. 365 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
searcher_data TGT Contains the details of the last search performed by the user Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
search TGT Contains the details of the last search performed by the user 7 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
transition TGT Konfiguracja systemu rezerwacji 30 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
expopt TGT Ten plik cookie używany jest do przeprowadzania eksperymentów A/B , co pozwala na porównanie wyników uzyskanych przez różne kreacje / treści, 2 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
cosmos TGT Przechowuje informacje do segmentacji odwiedzających. 45 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
uniqueCookie TGT Preferowany język użytkownika 1 miesięcy Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
PLAY_LANG TGT Preferowany język użytkownika 1 miesięcy Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
tracking_statistics TGT Technologia cookie do obsługi logowania Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
u TGT Technologia Cookie dla funkcjonalności "Zapamiętaj mnie" w logowaniu 1 miesięcy Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
mkt_pref TGT Śledzenie i działania użytkownika do procesu rezerwacji 45 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
transport_flight TGT Contains the details of the last search performed by the user 7 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
transport_train TGT Contains the details of the last search performed by the user 8 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
transport_and_hotel TGT Contains the details of the last search performed by the user 7 dni Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
hotels_notifications TGT Wewnętrzna konfiguracja strony Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
SSLB TGT Ciasteczko potrzebne dla właściwego działania strony internetowej. Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
uid TGT Dokonaj anonimowej identyfikacji użytkownika Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
book_data TGT Umożliwia przyspieszenie procesu rezerwacji w przypadku błędu. Koniec sesji Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies
* Google Więcej informacji o tych ciasteczkach na stronie internetowej: { y Cookie analityczne / Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies / Cookie reklama behawioralna
* TripAdvisor Więcej informacji o tych ciasteczkach na stronie internetowej: { Niezbędne lub techniczne pliki cookies / Cookie reklama behawioralna

How to enable, disable or delete cookies

You should bear in mind that if cookies are not enabled in your browser, the navigability and, in short, your experience on TGT may not be as good as we have intended. In fact, if you decide to block all cookies (including the essential/authorization cookies mentioned above), you may not be able to access some of our content or use some of our features (e.g. the shopping cart) that require the use of cookies.

In any case, enabling, disabling or deleting cookies in your browser is easy. Let's look at the most common browser types:

The only way to withdraw your consent once you have given it is by deleting the cookies that have already been downloaded. To do this, follow the instructions above. There are also tools that can help you detect and disable cookies in each website you visit. One of these is "Ghostery".